Products Concrete  



Colored Concrete

Concrete Accessories

Flowable Compacting Fill





Shamrock Pervious Concrete
"When it drains!"

Pervious puts rainwater back in the ground where it belongs!

Perfect application for:

  • Driveways
  • Sidewalks
  • Parking lots
  • Swimming Pool decks
  • Patios
  • ...and more!

    The Environmentally Sound choice
  • Pervious Concrete allows 3-8 gallons of water to pass through each square foot per minute!
  • Protects streams and runoffs
  • LEED Credit Advantages

    The Smart Business Choice

    Shamrock Materials is the leader in sustainable concrete solutions to help conserve the resources and environment in the North Bay, with regional strength and local batch plants.

    For your next project, consider previous concrete whether plans are for a driveway, sidewalk, roadway, or parking lot. Shamrock is the expert in pervious concrete for stormwater best management. Benefits of pervious concrete include reduced or eliminated stormwater runoff, groundwater recharge, and pollutant removal through filtering and microbial degradation.

    Contact us at 1-800-675-1511 or e-mail